Oxford Against Cutting will soon be rebranding to: Sundial Centre for Education on Harmful Practices
Who Can You Tell uses the NSPCC PANTS campaign to teach important learning for all children to understand body rights. The lesson focuses on staying safe from sexual harm (including female genital mutilation and child sex exploitation), without specific mention of these types of harm.
Accompanying the lesson is a 3 minute film, Who Can You Tell?, which encourages children to raise any concerns about sexual harm with a teacher or school health nurse.
Who is the lesson for?
Primary school children in Key Stage 1. Teachers are best placed to know whether the children in their class will respond better to a lesson delivered to a mixed group or to girls and boys in separate groups.
Who will deliver the lesson?
The lesson is delivered by two of our facilitators, with the class teacher on hand to help support the children. We will bring a large, soft toy, Blue Rabbit, who is very wise (rabbits are seen as wise in African culture) and is there to cuddle and make the children feel comfortable. Having two facilitators means that someone is always on hand if the lesson becomes difficult for any of the children or there are any disclosures.
What is included?
Lesson plan for ‘Who Can You Tell?’
Letter to parents/carers for ‘Who Can You Tell?’ lesson
Oxford Against Cutting 2020 leaflet with details on all our workshops